Taking expressions of Interest for Regeneration Connection Accelerator 2025 now!

Collaboration for Conscious Business

To this end, we are really looking forward to continuing to support your business on this pathway by enabling and facilitating greater opportunities for connections, collaborations and growth through our startup, skillup and scaleup programs.

Introducing our theme – Collaboration for Conscious Business.

Our inspiration and purpose for setting our theme was two fold – our local businesses and our precious environment.  Inspired by our business community through the year that was where we witnessed the coming together of  businesses to help and support each other as we all navigated a new way forward was incredible to be a part of.  It is this support and collaboration that we want to build upon and continue to help foster and grow through our region whilst consciously respecting and conserving our environment in all we do.

What is Conscious Business?

We believe a conscious business is one that operates with a purpose and intent beyond profit, one which supports and nourishes our local community and economy while respecting and conserving our environment. It’s wanting to do more than simply avoid harm – conscious business wans to operate with awareness and in a way that will create and support a thriving future for each of us and generations to come.

It’s doing this kind of business that is the hallmark of our region and inspires us.

To this end, we are really looking forward to continuing to support your business on this pathway by enabling and facilitating greater opportunities for connections, collaborations and growth through our startup, skillup and scaleup programs.

“I believe doing better business is one of the catalysts we need to regenerate our planet and be on our way towards a thriving future…no matter where you are on your business journey.” – Ashleigh Camm, Sourdough’s Expert in Residence.